Friday, March 02, 2012

The joys of singing... err, I mean, croaking, again...

For the better part of this winter season, been driving my grasshopper to work...

My excuses?

1. Workload is getting big, so I need to utilize as much time as I can get to do the work

2. The cold is getting to me

3. On the return trip home, I need to pick up some reusable wood from the stone masons' factories...

Yours truly, on the left side...

With so much driving, and nothing much else to do while driving, I said to myself one day, why not do some 'yelling'?

And so, I found myself 're-discovering' an old past-time...
Soon, I was croaking and croaking away...
And it feels good... very good, I must say...

And here, on the right side...

Actually, I love singing... I do...
This is not to say that I am good at it... ;)
I just love to sing... to myself, that is...

And if you are in Japan, chances are, you will probably go karaoke-ing...
As I did when I was younger...
The highlight of my 'singing' was when two of my best friends (both Japanese guys) paired up with me to sing a number called 長崎は今日も雨だった literally, 'It rained again in Nagasaki today'...

Never mind the date in the two photos above... I remain indebted to the individual who bothered to take those pictures and handed them to me...

The performance was actually in December of 1994, in Nagoya, in an event called 留学生の夕べ or 'Foreign Students' Evening'...

The following March (of 1995), my dad passed away suddenly while I was skiing (more like, falling down the slopes) at the mountains in Gifu Prefecture...

The shock from his passing lingered on for an extended period of time... I found myself talking more softly while the thought of karaoke-ing simply disappeared...

Now, almost two decades after the passing of my dad, and also the demise of my mum two years ago, I am  're-discovering' the urge to croak again...

So, if you hear someone near you, humming out of tune, please say hello... :)

Meantime, I derive pleasure to share the two images above, images that remind me of my two minutes of fame on stage...


  1. I'm glad you are rediscovering your croak errr.... singing again, Lrong.

    My, you sure look good on stage. ;)

    1. Or, as people always say, 'the photographer did a good job'? hehehee,,, ;)

  2. Anonymous3/02/2012

    I hear you singing...and will "croak" along with you!

    So happy you are wanting to sing again after your two losses!

    Hey I thought the photos were of "The Blues Brothers"'re all looking very nice in the suits and hats!

    1. We were trying our best to pretend to be little Blues Brothers on stage...

  3. Aah..keep on "croaking" if that is what make you happy. Singing is contagious, so if you sing, others may join in too, and then we will have a great happy world!

    1. As Karen Carpenter says, sing... sing a song...

  4. I think the photos are wonderful. Thank you for sharing them with us. I, too, like to 'croak',especially when no one is around to hear me (or to laugh at my attempts to carry a tune!). So sing on -- you'll have lots of company.

    1. Am happy to hear that I am in good company... ;)

  5. Oh my,you have so many talents.
    You already cheer me up each time I read your stuff, with your great sense of humor and now you can sing too.
    Nice memories.

  6. Yes singing can bring alot of happiness. I love listening to my son singing in the shower!

    1. I enjoy doing that in the bathroom too becos it disturbs no one...

  7. This is a fun post, so you love singing too! I am sure you also know that most Filipinos sing, i was with a group of Malaysians and Thais in China once, and the Malaysian said he doesn't know any Filipino who doesn't sing! So, even if i am as you said 'croaking' i share singing too. I went home last weekend and my sisters and niece and nephew had videoke too at home, and they all made fun of my singing, not out of tune because i am not deaf, but not as good as them!

    [regarding the one who chops wood at 81, she is my mother, not grandma]

    1. Was living at Pasay City when Freddie Aguilar came out with Anak... I shall be learning the Japanese version of Anak soon...
      And oops, sorry about the mistaken identity...

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Arrggh... sorry! Accidentally deleted your comment while trying to respond to you... am trying hard to recover it but... sorry... Anyway, I suppose you enjoyed watching your friends doing the Michael Jackson thingy... no?

    2. IC.. i said, when i saw your photos, it reminded me of the 1975 time of our school concert where the boys in my class danced "gentlemen dance:" and they all behaved like Michael Jackson. The attire were similar to yours in the pic.
      to sing is to have good inner vitality.

    3. Aaooooh... *body shrinking*... thank you so, so much for 're-posting' your valuable comment... :=)

  9. Which one is you? :) Nice photos!

  10. Was on the left side in first pic, and on the right side in second pic...

  11. Thanks for posting the photos, Lrong-san; singing with you in the event in a black suit with glasses on, definitely one of my greatest memories in my life!


    1. Woaaah Masaru... thank you for your comments... you said it well... singing with you and Kei on stage that night was truly a most memorable event in my life too... would be lovely to do a repeat of the singing in the future, just for fun's sake...

  12. Hi Lrong,

    If you need a mic, let me know... :) Love your pics.
